Park City Heating and Air Services

Same Day heating and Cooling Solutions

Park City is a growing community and one of the most stunning places in all of Utah. It is also very cold in the winter and has the typical hot Utah summers. Heating and Air services are essential for living up in park city, and we want to be the team you trust to get the work done.

We know that there are a lot of different heating and air companies in Utah, however, they don’t all offer the services that park city residents deserve. Here at Grimes we providing heating and air solutions for residential homes but also commercial as well. That means that no matter the size of your home, or the system used to heat it, we are prepared for the job. We provide heating and air solutions for:

If it has to do with heating and air we have you covered. We offer 24/7 emergency services, same day solutions (if current supply chain issues allow for it), a free quote for any heating and air job, satisfaction guarantee, and open and upfront pricing before the job starts. We want to be the very best in Utah, let us prove it to you!

Get in touch.

If you are looking to get some heating and air work done or you just want us to give you a quote, give us a call or fill out the form today. We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you are in need of emergency heating and air services give us a call directly using our after hours phone number so we can better assist you. We would be happy to assist you at any time!

Address: 2465N Main st. suite #15 Roy Utah, 84015.

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm: (385)-423-2657